What Is a Normal Vitamin B12 Level for a Woman

Healing Benefits of B12

Nearly everyone is deficient in vitamin B12 today. Even if you get a blood test that shows your vitamin B12 levels are normal, that doesn't mean it's usable B12 that's absorbing where it needs to in your body. Your central nervous system, liver, or other organs may still be severely deficient, and a deficiency of the right kind of B12, which is B12 that's a combination of both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, sets the stage for all kinds of symptoms and conditions to develop or worsen. Lack of B12 is a very real deficiency with very real health consequences. The body relies on B12 for tens of thousands of daily functions.

Illness & Symptom Recovery

Whether you have acne, SIBO, eczema, weight problems, depression, allergies, cancer, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, ringing in the ears, thyroid problems, aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, memory issues, brain fog, or any other symptom or condition, the right kind of B12 is important. A high quality B12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin at the proper dose can get someone recovering and on a path of starting to heal. For suggested doses of B12 and other helpful supplements for many different symptoms and conditions, you can refer to the information I include in Cleanse To Heal.

As with all supplements, some are junk and even harmful, and some are excellent. I include the highest quality options on my preferred supplements page of my website to help you know what's really good. I don't sell supplements; I've simply listed the products I know work.

Support for Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Restless Legs, POTS, Parkinson's, MS & Other Neurological Conditions

A high-quality B-12 that contains both adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin is a valuable supplement for someone suffering with any neurological symptom or condition. For one, B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin bolsters and protects the brain and central nervous system.

Secondly, this particular type of B12 contains electrolytes, which help counteract the storm happening in the brain when someone has a condition affecting the brain or is under stress. These electrolytes also help protect and restore brain tissue. Thirdly, the right B12 boosts you mentally and emotionally.

B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin can help with anxiety, bipolar, depression, ALS, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, panic attacks, migraines, restless legs syndrome, POTS, fatigue, tremors, and every other symptom or condition–even those that aren't neurological.

Immune Strengthening

It is critical to focus on building up your immune system if you have any symptom or illness or want to prevent sickness in the future. One very important way to do that is to supplement with B12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

Protects Against Viral Damage

As I share in my books, viruses are the most common cause of all kinds of chronic illnesses and conditions, usually in combination with toxins of some variety. You can read more about "The Unforgiving Four," which is what I call the four major factors contributing to chronic illness and symptoms, in Life-Changing Foods. One of these four factors is viruses.

When fighting a viral-caused symptom or condition, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, psoriasis, tinnitus, vertigo, thyroid problems, PCOS, Lyme disease (for the truth about Lyme read Medical Medium), lupus, dry skin, brittle hair, prostate conditions, and many more, it is essential to use a B12 blend of both adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. Including a methylfolate supplement along with this B12 blend is especially helpful.

Vitamin B12, as adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin, protects your entire body from neurotoxin damage from the many mutated strains of the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles and other harmful viruses. It also repairs and strengthens the areas of the nervous system and other parts of the body that have been damaged by viruses. This type of B12 also helps strengthen neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain so it can stay strong against the viruses that are behind so many neurological illnesses.

B12 and Elevated Biotics

A special probiotic film covers the leaves and skins of fruits and vegetables. I call these probiotics elevated biotics, or elevated microorganisms, because they cover the above-ground surfaces of raw, unwashed (or lightly rinsed) plant foods. I share about these special microorganisms in all my books.

Unlike factory-produced probiotics and soil borne organisms, elevated biotics are able to survive your digestive process and make it to your ileum, the final section of your small intestinal tract that creates the vitamin B12 critical to your body's functioning.

One reason to address at B12 deficiency (by getting more elevated biotics) is that B12 keeps homocysteine levels down, which translates to less inflammation in the body. Plus, the B12 specifically produced by elevated biotics is vital to brain health, because it fortifies our neurotransmitters, boosting mental function and keeping depression at bay. Without B12, we die. It's that critical.

Whenever possible, grow any plants of your own that you can, whether it's tomato plants, apple trees and beds of kale or it's just indoor potted herbs or sprouts or microgreens you grow on your kitchen counter. Eat these plants unwashed or very lightly rinsed to remove just the dirt. Don't soak or scrub them. If you have a trusted farmer you have a relationship with and you know their growing practices very well, you could also eat their produce unwashed or with a very gentle rinse. This is a great way to get these elevated biotics. In addition to the right B12 supplement this is great way to start restoring your B12 levels in the forms the body needs.

Gene Mutation and Methylation Issues

B12 is critical to your body's ability to methylate many other nutrients. The liver relies on this B vitamin and stores large quantities of it, delving into it continually as part of regular organ function. It also relies on B12 for a function the liver can perform when it's out of stock of essentials: the ability to produce trace amounts of certain nutrients and chemical compounds on its own. The liver can only do this when it has its key ingredient, B12, in enough supply to send it out to your brain, the rest of your nervous system, your heart, and other places in your body that desperately need it.

When the liver doesn't have enough B12 already on hand, no B12 coming from what can be produced in the ileum, and the liver is too compromised (from viruses and their byproduct) to produce B12 for itself, a serious methylation issue can arise.

If you've been given an MTHFR gene mutation diagnosis, know that over time the right kind of B12 can reverse it—because it fixes damage in the body that triggers off false positives on gene mutation tests. Surprised? You read that right: gene mutation issues are not actually genetic and can be healed. I share why this is the case and give a full understanding of methylation and gene mutation issues in Liver Rescue.

Liver Health

Your liver doesn't have to do any work to convert B12 into a usable form when it's in the adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin form. This type of B12 helps with liver cell communication, improving the ability of cells inside the liver to transfer information to one another with ease rather than resistance. It also protects nerve tissue that enters and runs all through the liver.

Vitamin B12 is highly instrumental to all of the liver's over 2,000 chemical functions and highly instrumental in activating the liver's ability to utilize, process, and distribute all other vitamins and minerals that are stored inside of it. B12 helps keep a liver out of stagnation, strengthens hepatocytes and all other liver cells as well as liver lobules, and prevents the liver's blood vessels from atrophying. For more on how to properly support your liver, which is critical if you have any symptom or condition, along with the undiscovered truth about how the liver works, refer to Liver Rescue.

Avoid B12 Injections

The right B12 supplement is a better choice than B12 injections. These injections do not contain the right kind of B12 blend and have the potential to trigger an overreaction in a sensitive body. Plus, B12 has to be taken orally to be effective. When we take oral B12, it gets absorbed into the digestive system, where it's "tagged" and made active and bioavailable, so that when it enters the bloodstream, it's in a form that our nerves and organs accept. The B-12 supplement I prefer can be found here.

Learn more about how to heal from the New York Times bestselling book Cleanse To Heal.

This item posted: 09-Feb-2019

What Is a Normal Vitamin B12 Level for a Woman

Source: https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/healing-benefits-of-b12

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